Acne: A Common Skin Condition - Health Channel


Acne: A Common Skin Condition |

Acne: A Common Skin Condition, Health Channel

Acne: A Common Skin Condition, Health Channel

Dr. Deborah Longwill, Dermatologist at Baptist Health South Florida, explains why acne is such a prevalent condition affecting numerous individuals. Acne is primarily influenced by hormonal changes and environmental factors. It is often observed that if one does not experience acne during their teenage years, they may still develop it in adulthood.

Acne can manifest in different forms, such as hormonal acne along the jawline, cystic acne on the cheeks, or even acne related to dental issues. Remarkably, around 80% of people aged 11 to 30 experience acne to some degree.

Contrary to popular belief, acne is not exclusive to adolescence. Adults can also suffer from acne, triggered by hormonal changes or other environmental factors. This suggests that even if one did not experience acne in their youth, they may develop it later in life.

Dr. Longwill draws attention to hormonal acne that may appear around the jawline, cystic acne, and the possibility of acne-like symptoms associated with menopause. These variations in acne occurrence highlight the multifaceted nature of this skin condition.

If you find yourself struggling with acne, whether as a teenager or an adult, seeking professional guidance from a dermatologist is recommended. They can provide tailored treatment plans and expert advice to manage and alleviate the symptoms of acne, ensuring healthier and clearer skin.

Learn more about acne: 

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