Acute and Chronic Back Pain - Health Channel


Acute and Chronic Back Pain |

Acute and Chronic Back Pain, Health Channel

There is a difference between acute and chronic back pain, according to Dr. Whiting. She says most people have some sort of acute back pain at least once in their lifetimes.

The specialist also mentions that chronic back pain can interfere with the person’s life and can affect the rest of health and adds the body can deteriorate if not used properly. This is called disuse syndrome.

The same situation can occur when people are just trying to protect themselves from the pain. When patients have a terrible back pain that’s worse when they move, when they twist or lift. She recommends stopping doing those things.


Acute and Chronic Back Pain, Health Channel

Let’s talk more about chronic back pain is that the type of back pain most people experience in their lower back well I would say Andrea that that’s a great question and there is a difference between acute and chronic back pain most people have some sort of acute back pain at least once in their lifetimes and the question is is that going to resolve with some sort of conservative measure or is that going to transition into a longer more chronic type of a picture and what is the pain feel like the difference between acute and chronic well sometimes it’s pretty similar but generally in the acute phase it’s sharper and in the chronic phase while it can still be extremely painful and bothersome it tends to even out a little and just continuously nags you for example but chronic back pain can lead to some other conditions chronic back pain can interfere with your life in a whole lot of different ways and you’re exactly right it can affect the rest of your health and in pretty big ways and there’s something called disuse system disuse syndrome yeah disuse syndrome really is something that talks about the way the body responds to not being used appropriately so our bodies are meant each system in our body is really meant to work in the way that it was designed to do so and if it’s taken out of use it actually starts to deteriorate and how do you take your back out of use you stop doing certain things pretty much so what happens is that people are just trying to protect themselves from the pain Andrew so when you have back pain and when you have terrible back pain that’s worse when you move worse when you twist worse when you lift you simply stop doing those things

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