Arthritis: Pain of Aging - Health Channel


Arthritis: Pain of Aging |

Arthritis: Pain of Aging, Health Channel

Arthritis in the back is an age-related disease. Dr. Jose Mena, Interventional Spine Specialist with Miami Orthopedics and Sports Medicine Institute, explains the prevalence of the disease after being 50 or 60 years old.


Arthritis: Pain of Aging, Health Channel

You had talked briefly about how the radiofrequency ablation is used when there is like arthritis in the back is this age-related if I may ask yeah for the most part tends to be age-related if we see the prevalence of people that they do have this type of condition normally tends to start picking up after the 50s and 60s that’s when the prevalence start increasing for this type of condition contrary so someone has a discrimination that typically tends to be on the younger population so but there’s some may be some patients that I forgot mentioning that earlier some sometimes people they are involved in a whiplash injury like a car accident or they go in a rollercoaster and they have this type of whip whiplash injury they can also in your disjoints and it’s very common for developing this type of symptoms so it can be we can also see that on younger population 2030s after a whiplash injuries and unfortunately some of those patients they might go to have MRI check top and everything tends to be normal because of their age group and normally they joints themselves they can be problematic the problem is that those joints are not well we can see them on the MRI but we don’t see the internal architecture of the joint like it’s the joint itself is like a knee joint literally has ligaments has meniscus and they can become painful and on cadaver studies that’s actually how they have found out that some people younger then why they are having this type of symptoms and they have seen and it’s just that there might be a minutes called injury there might be blood inside the joint or there might be a ligament to structure inside the joint that was causing the pain you

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