Breast Augmentation Expectations - Health Channel


Breast Augmentation Expectations |

Breast Augmentation Expectations, Health Channel

Dr. Rafael Gottenger, Plastic Surgeon with Baptist Health South Florida, says companies give a 10-year lifespan for breast implants, but he recommends his patients to keep them more time if they are satisfied with the results.

To match the reality with the patients’ expectations, he explains it is very important to have a consultation and to be sure what is the real thing that doctors can do for the patient. “The first thing I will ask the patient is what size they are now and what size they want to be, because if a patient is an A and she wants to be a triple D, I really know what she’s thinking of what size she wants to be.”


Breast Augmentation Expectations, Health Channel

Is there a certain amount of time that you have to let pass before you come in and redo your implants or recheck your implants? > So in regards to the lifespan of the implants the companies give you about a 10-year lifespan. That’s not the same thing as you have to come and replace it in about 10 years, I have all the time passion coming “I have 10 years I have to change the implant” and the example I gave to my passion is you buy a car the car they gave you a five-year warranty if you like your car you can keep it for 7 10 15 years it doesn’t mean that because the warranty has expired you don’t you cannot use it anymore. it’s about the same situation. > Same as the implant okay. But let’s talk about patient reality, sometimes you have a patient that walks into the office might bring a picture of a certain celebrity or a breast that they like and we have to match that reality to adapt patients expectations to the reality. How do you do that as a doctor? > So that’s why it’s very important to have a consultation and to be sure that you look and you find what is the real thing that you can do for the patient and where’s the reality of that patient. So the first thing I was asked the patient is what size you are now and what size you want to be? Why because if a patient is an A and she want to be a Triple D or in A want to be a C now I really know what she’s thinking of what size she want to be. — right — Then we take measurements and why it’s important measurements because it’s a diameter the breast is about 13 cents and centimeters and she wants a size implant that is 16 that will deform a breast. So we have to combine what is the implant and what the patient wants and then we also try some implants to be sure that if she says she was to be a 600, but then she tries it 300 she find that is a nice implant now really know what she’s trying to really get and not what she brought in with the picture. > Right because at the same time it could be physically impossible to insert this in a body when it doesn’t even fit . > And you have to be honest also about the patient listen I cannot meet your expectations, I cannot do that, for me I can do it you can look for somebody else but I cannot do that for you.

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