Breast Milk: Supply & Demand - Health Channel


Breast Milk: Supply & Demand |

Breast Milk: Supply & Demand, Health Channel

The body will naturally create the milk on supply and demand. The more time the baby is breastfed, the more milk the body produces, explains Nancy Martinez, Mother Baby Clinical Educator with Homestead Hospital.

There is only 1 % of population that doesn’t make milk and in those cases the bottle is an option, says Carey Acosta, Lactation Consultant with Homestead Hospital.


Breast Milk: Supply & Demand, Health Channel

Another thing that a lot of women are always concerned about too is will I be able to you know the supply and demand they say this is the one area in life where size does not matter so full disclosure you know I I wasn’t even sure if I was gonna be able to and I went from a 34 A to a 36 double D it was a lot of supply freezer breast milk for two years but I didn’t expect that I’m sure a lot of women out there saying wow and maybe some women have larger breasts and sometimes there is no supply that’s something that just comes or how does that work? So let me start with when you start up in breast feeding even in the hospital right after birth the baby is gonna go to the breast and what’s happened is your body actually will naturally create the milk on supply and demand so so the more times the baby is breastfeeding but actually the your body is gonna produce more milk what happens when we get a little confusion when we supplement because if you start getting bottles in between your body actually will shut down and say there’s not a demand I’m not gonna make as much milk so when we want to do exclusive breastfeeding we want that baby on it the breast as much as we can and I know you’ve our lactation consultant has helped many moms and you get support in the hospital as well as in your home. And you had a lot of supply too you’re telling me. I did have a lot of supply I was very lucky but I have friends that were very large-breasted and didn’t have a lot of supply you know and a lot of things really can complain so that there’s really only 1% of the population that doesn’t make milk and a lot of times if you have polycystic ovarian disease or something like that that’s really the only times you won’t make milk but again it really goes back to that supply and demand.

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