Building a Strong Spine - Health Channel


Building a Strong Spine |

Walking, strength training, dancing, Tai chi, hiking, bicycling and swimming are the recommendations of Dr. Jose Mena, Interventional Spine Specialist with Miami Orthopedics & Sports Medicine Institute, to have a strong spine.
Being healthy, keeping moving, making regularly the bone density test and visiting the physician are some tips to have a healthy spine.
The expert notes there is no relationship between fractures of the spine and brain problems.


And these are some good ways to exercise and build up strength in the spine and we got things like walking strength training dancing right these are all great psyche hiking I choose one of their most important exercises in terms of a balanced type of exercise so normally we want to make sure that we’re loading the bones anything that we’re doing constantly pounding that bone like constantly we’re remodeling that bone so we’re creating a healthy bone we there’s a turnover of the bone that we just want to be promoting there and create destroying and creating bone destroying creating bone that’s how it is so that way there’s no bad bone there or weak bone and there’s no way to develop a strong bone now what advice would you give patients who may have already had a fracture in their spine and want to make sure they prevent any more further fractures be healthy be a you keep doing activity be active so another thing will be listening to your primary care or endocrinologist or rheumatologists in terms of the treatments and making sure that you’re getting a yearly or every two years a bone density test to make sure that your levels are under going on the right direction let me ask you do spine fractures have any impact on the brain no no there’s no there’s no direct correlation within a spine fracture and having any brain problem however it can leading to having patients on depression and be a little more apprehensive so they develop a fracture and now they are scared of developing an order fracture because of the amount of pain that they develop so they might start preventing themselves and doing some activities that they were enjoying because most likely they’re gonna have another factor so that the answer for that it can happen okay but if you’re taking your medications that you’re preventing yourself in developing a fracture there’s there’s no reason of preventing you from from doing things that you enjoy now for in terms of exercises our core exercises good for a healthy back yes that’s part of the Brad that we tell all to all patients okay I want to make sure that they are strengthening those core muscles so that way the muscles are absorbing the energy that has been dreaming from the outside so the muscles are picking up that slack and less pressure goes into the spine itself and hence in this case will be the bone less likelihood of having fractures you

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