Children: Action Plans for Asthma - Health Channel


Children: Action Plans for Asthma |

Children: Action Plans for Asthma, Health Channel

If your child is asthmatic, it is important to make sure you let the school know it and prepare an action plan that includes your child’s name; your name and home, cell phone and work numbers; the name and number of a family member o friend; a list of triggers; a list of medicines and dosages and specific instructions on when they should be used; your pediatrician’s name and phone number; and the name and number of your local hospital.

Dr. Mario Zambrano, Pediatric Emergency Medicine Physician with Homestead Hospital, explains a list of triggers is important, because if they know the kid is going to have an asthma attack if they are outside and there is pollen in the air, they have to make sure the child is medicated before they go outside and play.

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