Cholesterol Levels Blood Test - Health Channel


Cholesterol Levels Blood Test |

Cholesterol Levels Blood Test, Health Channel

Cholesterol checked means getting a fasting blood test, explains Dr. Deepa Sharma, Family Medicine Physician with Baptist Health Primary Care.
The doctor explains a graphic with cholesterol levels. She describes LDL is considered as “bad” cholesterol, HDL as “good” cholesterol and what Triglycerides are.


Cholesterol Levels Blood Test, Health Channel

One thing we know we should manage is our cholesterol levels of peski cholesterol so how does someone measure their cholesterol so getting your cholesterol checked means getting a fasting blood test and that’s done either at a physician office or at a laboratory when you’re fasting you should be have had nothing but water for eight hours before the test and if you’re taking any prescription medications you should ask your doctor if it’s okay to take those medications on the morning of your test but generally a fasting full blood test is a way that we check for cholesterol all right that’s going to the nitty gritty of cholesterol we have a chart here we’re gonna go through this and have our viewers at home uses as reference as well okay so when we’re looking at cholesterol levels dr. Sharma what are we looking for exactly so we look more closely at the LDL which is also known as the bad cholesterol the HDL which is a good cholesterol and a triglycerides which are a bad cholesterol we look at those the breakdown as I call it more so than the total okay why is that and that’s because there’s different types of cholesterol zand so what I usually counsel patients on your LDL the street name is the bad cholesterol okay you want to keep those low so if you if you can’t remember that the L in front of it LDL wants to be low kinda HDL is your good cholesterol and you want that to be high so if you see the H in front of that that will remind you you

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