Connecting with Others | Building Bridges - Health Channel


Connecting with Others | Building Bridges |

Connecting with Others | Building Bridges, Health Channel

Having a good mix of friends is amazing, but sometimes it can feel good to be able to talk to somebody who just gets you. This may be especially true for LGBTQ young people who may feel isolated and marginalized by their peers.


Connecting with Others | Building Bridges, Health Channel

It’s always nice to meet people who have similar interests having a good mix of friends is amazing but sometimes it can feel really good to be able to talk to somebody who just gets you this may be especially true for lgbtq young people who may feel isolated and marginalized by their peers connection is going to be really really important and connecting with a group that shares an interest or feels like will understand my current circumstance is really really important and so there are support groups like pflag that can be really really helpful in connecting a team with other kids who may have a shared experience p flag is one of the largest organizations for lgbtq people their parents families and allies to find a support group in your area go to connecting with those who have shared experiences can have a positive impact on mental health

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