Coping with Sugar Cravings - Health Channel


Coping with Sugar Cravings |

Sugar creates addiction such as cocaine or heroin. Unni Greene, Personal Trainer & Nutritionist with SoMi Fitness, advises eliminating sugar slowly for best results. Quitting sugar consumption can cause headaches or nausea.


Advice for others who say well you know I really depend on that sugar it’s very difficult to cut anything that you’re addicted to and we know today that sugar addiction lights up the same centers in the brain as regular hard drugs cocaine to name a few so it is a clear addiction you’re not imagining that you wanted you actually physiologically crave it so it is difficult now my advice is start slowly eliminate one thing at a time because it’s difficult to just go cold turkey but for some people cold turkey works better that’s what I do yeah actually if you go so slowly all of a sudden it when you taste the sugar or whatever you’re addicted to it tastes like poison mm-hmm so you just gradually go take it away take it away take it away and then it your it tastes like poison to you okay and is there a side effect if you start cutting it up for me I had headaches most that would in the caffeine that was really bad I had yes I’ve suffered from headaches for I want to say a couple weeks yes well yes but with sugar that too absolutely you can feel nauseous clammy headache II just lists lists very uncomfortable but if you get through it in about five days you already feel better so it’s it’s not a long-term misery it’s it’s pretty quick my body but the body is amazing we stopped to treated it just listen to cellulose right right if you add if you you go ahead and try and make a mistake you know have a little something sweet you’ll go through the same yes triggers you end up going through the the nausea and the discomfort afterwards so you stay away from it’s like a poison you

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