Degenerative Spondylolisthesis - Health Channel


Degenerative Spondylolisthesis |

Degenerative Spondylolisthesis, Health Channel

Discs diminution size and height can result in significant pain and neurological dysfunction. Dr. Georgiy Brusovanik, Spine Surgeon with Baptist Health South Florida, explains with a 3D imaging how the spine with the condition looks like and how it develops into spondylolisthesis.


Degenerative Spondylolisthesis, Health Channel

We do have actually our 3d image wall with degenerative so dr. I’m going to ask you to walk over there so let’s focus on the degenerative spondylolisthesis and explain to us what happens to the spine in this condition sure so as discs diminution size diminution height sometimes the bones will settle kind of like this were on top of this one perfectly where the bone belongs but you could kind of see slightly that the bone here has shifted forwards and you can see a little step of here now something as minor as a two-millimeter step off can result in significant pain and neurological dysfunction so it doesn’t have to be complete spondylosis where the spine is just completely often dislocated to result in significant morbidity looking at the bottom one there doctor I kind of imagined believe it or not an overbite it’s almost like an overbite at the teeth well I never thought about this that’s exactly what it’s like and that’s the first thing I thought of when you said that I said oh that looks like my overbite when I was a young girl three so what’s degenerating is it the bone is that the disk or is it both of them it’s the disk it’s to this now think of each vertebra like a three-legged stool so there’ll be these joints that are in the back of the spine and you have two of them for every level and then you have the discs in the front so imagine a disc is the front leg of the three-legged stool and those two little joints in the back are the two other legs so if the disc diminishes in height that three-legged stool start to tilt so even without having that bony bridge that I keep referring to which is called the pars interarticular is even without that being missing a fractured just by having a tall disc diminish in height the spine can shift resulting I spondylolisthesis

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