Diabetes and Weight - Health Channel


Diabetes and Weight |

Diabetes and Weight, Health Channel

Elise Karnegis, Registered Dietitian & Diabetes Educator with Baptist Health South Florida, says she encourages her patients to get involved in the Diabetes Prevention Program, which is free for the community, or meeting with a diabetes educator one-on-one. She explains in the session, that lasts an hour to an hour and a half, doctors do an assessment, see what their needs are and what they are willing to change.

L.B. Irigoyen, Exercise Physiologist with Baptist Health South Florida, explains with every pound you go down, you will get into a better category of being healthy. He says losing weight is a crucial part of managing the disease, because there has been plenty of evidence that has shown that the Body Mass Index (BMI) is correlated to diabetes. **************************************************************************************************************************************************************************
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