Dr. Carlos Wolf Videos & Articles - Health Channel

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Dr. Carlos Wolf

“With a digital imaging, Dr. Carlos Wolf, Plastic Surgeon with Baptist Health South Florida, explains the types of surgery.

He describes one technique is the open technique which is done for people with thick noses.” With a photo, Dr. Carlos Wolf, Plastic Surgeon with Baptist Health South Florida, explains how a patient looks before & after rhinoplasty.
He describes several pictures about the procedure and affirms a young man with a bad nose job is horrific.
He says rhinoplasty can correct respiratory problems, too. According to Dr. Carlos Wolf, Plastic Surgeon with Baptist Health South Florida, a lot of things have changed about plastic surgery such as patients’ expectations, patient education and the type of look people want.
He considers nowadays patients are educated in any medical field, including plastic surgery.
The specialist says the most important part in his practice is to be really transparent with his patients. According to Dr. Carlos Wolf, Plastic Surgeon with Baptist Health South Florida, a lot of things have changed about plastic surgery such as patients’ expectations, patient education and the type of look people want.
He considers nowadays patients are educated in any medical field, including plastic surgery.
The specialist says the most important part in his practice is to be really transparent with his patients. A facelift is a procedure that can reduce signs of aging. Dr. Carlos Wolf, Plastic Surgeon with Baptist Health South Florida, affirms injectable and non-invasive procedures have to push the facelift a little later.
Doctor Wolf says his earliest patients were done a facelift procedure in their mid 30s, but most of the patients are in their late 40s and early 50s and up.
He considers if patients have a good health there is no limitation to perform the lifting procedure. According to the American Society of Plastic Surgeon, nose reshaping is a billion dollar industry and rhinoplasty is the first cosmetic plastic procedure.
Dr. Carlos Wolf, Plastic Surgeon with Baptist Health South Florida, considers this happens for the reason that the nose is the first thing that people see on each other, because it’s a very big focal feature.
The specialist affirms rhinoplasty is one of the most difficult procedures to get right. He also says the procedure can be done for medical reasons, too. Dr. Carlos Wolf, Plastic Surgeon with Baptist Health South Florida, explains whit a graphic the different shapes of noses and how the rhinoplasty alters them.
Dorsal hump, long nose, overprotected tip, tension tip, bulbous tip and under projected tip are the shapes the doctor explains.
He describes how techniques are used in any case. He also says when cartilage is needed, physicians take it from the ear or the rib.


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