Dr. Daniel Bober Videos & Articles - Health Channel

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Dr. Daniel Bober

How does the brain behave in an addict person? Dr. Daniel Bober, Psychiatrist and Addiction Medicine Physician, explains the role of dopamine in addiction, and what can be the causes of addiction, such as genetics or having a trauma. Taking medicines can lead to an addiction problem. Dr. Daniel Bober, Psychiatrist and Addiction Medicine Physician, explains how people become addicts by getting a certain amount of opioids from their doctors. Is there an addiction problem more prevalent than others? Dr. Daniel Bober, Psychiatrist and Addiction Medicine Physician, talks about behavioral addictions that involve people using social media all day. How are substance abuse disorders related to co-occurring conditions? Dr. Daniel Bober, Psychiatrist and Addiction Medicine Physician, talks about some mental health disorders that put people at increased risks for substance abuse, and how they can treat both mental health problems. What are the parts of addiction? Dr. Daniel Bober, Psychiatrist and Addiction Medicine Physician, explains the cycle of addiction that includes triggers, tempting thoughts, guilt, and abstinence, among others. What is stigma in mental illness? Dr. Daniel Bober, Psychiatrist and Addiction Medicine Physician, explains how people react to mental illness in different situations and how that reaction affects negatively the patient. Alcohol and opioid addiction are some common substance abuse disorders. Dr. Daniel Bober, Psychiatrist and Addiction Medicine Physician, talks about how they were battled and what other disorders emerged because of substance abuse.

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