Plantar fasciitis is explained by Daniel DeLeon, Physical Therapist with Miami Orthopedics & Sports Medicine Institute with a 3D digital imaging.
He says it can cause a lot of pain in the foot and can cause Achilles tendonitis. Daniel DeLeon, Physical Therapist with Miami Orthopedics & Sports Medicine Institute, says if It’s a small tear on the microscopic level, and it is a great one strain, returning to dosed exercise or gentle stretching would be appropriate in case of muscle tears.
He affirms the worst thing is overstretching the muscle. One of the best things to do is, instead of stretch it, is move it. “Get on the bike, walking… everything should be in tolerance,” he says. Popping and cracking could be abnormalities in joints structure. It doesn’t mean there is pathology or any damage per se, explains Daniel DeLeon, Physical Therapist with Miami Orthopedics & Sports Medicine Institute.
Runners have learned some rehab techniques and they can practice them at home. When those measures no longer work it is convenient to see a physiotherapist. There are three different types of foot: neutral pronation, over pronation and the supination. However, Daniel DeLeon, Physical Therapist with Miami Orthopedics & Sports Medicine Institute, affirms not necessarily someone gets an injury.
The specialist considers that, beyond the type of foot that someone possesses, everyone is prone to suffer injuries, plantar fasciitis or knee’s runner. Forefoot runners tend to have less ground reaction forces, basically, due to the amount of impact that they feel, explains Daniel DeLeon, Physical Therapist with Miami Orthopedics & Sports Medicine Institute.
He considers if someone is a forefoot striker not necessarily he is a better runner, because a better runner can forefoot run, because he’s already a good runner.
He recommends the runners to use the knee braces as a kind of a temporary stopgap, because they need this brace for a long term use. I.T. (Iliotibial) Band Syndrome can cause a lot of pain in runners. Daniel DeLeon, Physical Therapist with Miami Orthopedics & Sports Medicine Institute, explains, with a 3D digital imaging, how it occurs.
He describes I.T. band syndrome is a catchall term for the side of the leg hurting. I.T. syndrome can cause knee lateral pain around the knee but also aside the leg.
Normally, the I.T. band syndrome is caused by overuse, he says. Daniel DeLeon, Physical Therapist with Miami Orthopedics & Sports Medicine Institute, says a patient even can develop neck pain if he doesn’t run correctly.
He recommends doing a complete evaluation in order to determine why the body is hurting because of running.
In runners’ knee it is very common something called patellofemoral pain syndrome (pain at the front of the knee and around the patella). IT band syndrome is also very frequent.