Jessie Menocal Videos & Articles - Health Channel

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Jessie Menocal

After Parkland, the governor determined there must be a police officer in each school or armed trained guardian, says Jessie Menocal, Manager of Emergency Preparedness & Security with Baptist Health South Florida.
The expert explains other changes are about safety at schools are: having one entry point for everybody, camera systems and more education about that.
Raj Maragh, CHEP, Director of Emergency Preparedness & Security with Baptist Health South Florida, advises talking to children about what to expect if school shooting happens. He recommends having a plan and teaching it to them. Run, hide and fight are options for saving people’s lives. They don’t have to be in that order, affirms Jessie Menocal, Manager of Emergency Preparedness & Security with Baptist Health South Florida.
The expert recommends people to practice mental movements about what they do in cases of emergencies at different moments such as at the movies, at the restaurant or even in a football game.
He affirms while people make more mental movements about situations, they are better prepared to face them. Raj Maragh, CHEP, Director of Emergency Preparedness & Security with Baptist Health South Florida, says when people start to prepare an emergency kit, they should look for their needs: how big the family is, how many pets the family has and if grandparents live with them.
He advises making pre-made kits based on 14 days of food and medicine.
Jessie Menocal, Manager of Emergency Preparedness & Security with Baptist Health South Florida, also recommends having all the essential papers ready in case of evacuation. In cases of emergencies, Jessie Menocal, Manager of Emergency Preparedness & Security with Baptist Health South Florida, advises trying to stay calm, taking care of kids, trying to find an area when everybody could be safe and having a plan.
Raj Maragh, CHEP, Director of Emergency Preparedness & Security with Baptist Health South Florida, affirms 90% of fatalities happen because of storm surges.
He explains before and during the storm, authorities have situational meeting with upper leadership county officials, who are looking at what resources they need to bring in, and how they’re going to prepare people about the emergency. Jessie Menocal, Manager of Emergency Preparedness & Security with Baptist Health South Florida, explains with a picture how he command center prepares for storms.
He affirms they have to get ready anywhere in Florida, because it is going to be impacted by Hurricanes.

Raj Maragh, CHEP, Director of Emergency Preparedness and Safety at Baptist Health South Florida, says his organization’s plans are ready years in advance. There are several types of emergencies, such as: natural disasters, severe weather, chemical attack, bomb detention, active shooter or outbreaks.
However, Jessie Menocal, Manager of Emergency Preparedness & Security with Baptist Health South Florida, affirms they try to prepare for something unplanned that could happen, and try to get people prepared for the unexpected.


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