Dr. John DeRosimo Videos & Articles - Health Channel

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Dr. John DeRosimo

Every patient with lung cancer can be treated by a stage based treatment protocol. Dr. John DeRosimo, Thoracic Surgeon with Miami Cardiac & Vascular Institute, explains in which stages the surgery is recommended, and when chemotherapy or radiation, or a combination of both, is the best option for patients. Lobectomy, wedge resection, pneumonectomy and sleeve resection are the main lung cancer surgeries. Dr. John DeRosimo, Thoracic Surgeon with Miami Cardiac & Vascular Institute, explains each one and also talks about post-surgery recovery. Lobectomy, wedge resection, pneumonectomy and sleeve resection are the main lung cancer surgeries. Dr. John DeRosimo, Thoracic Surgeon with Miami Cardiac & Vascular Institute, explains each one and also talks about post-surgery recovery. Screening process is a low-dose CT scan and its images are used to determine if there are risky nodules or other problems. Dr. John DeRosimo, Thoracic Surgeon with Miami Cardiac & Vascular Institute, explains these tests are not for every patient with lung cancer and also talks about a false positive that could identify it. Cough that doesn’t go away, chest pain and hoarseness are some of the most common lung cancer symptoms. Dr. John DeRosimo, Thoracic Surgeon with Miami Cardiac & Vascular Institute, affirms most patients who present lung cancer have no symptoms and explains what happens when signs appear. Cancer usually starts by repetitive injury to a cell and after a large exposure, DNA changes. Dr. John DeRosimo, Thoracic Surgeon with Miami Cardiac & Vascular Institute, explains with a 3D imaging how lung cancer develops and describes the different stages of the tumor and where it is located. Over the years, lung cancer has increased in both women and men, especially because of tobacco. 20 to 25% of high school students already use it. Dr. John DeRosimo, Thoracic Surgeon with Miami Cardiac & Vascular Institute, explains how lung cancer started to rise in women after World War II. The more smoking people have done, the higher the risk they are for developing lung cancer. Age is also another factor to develop the disease, especially between 55 to 80 years old and all of those patients can be included on a screening program. Dr. John DeRosimo, Thoracic Surgeon with Miami Cardiac & Vascular Institute, explains the biopsy can be done depending on the patient and his situation.

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