Dr. Juan-Carlos Verdeja Videos & Articles - Health Channel

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Dr. Juan-Carlos Verdeja

How does the gallbladder work? Dr. Juan-Carlos Verdeja, General Surgeon with West Kendall Baptist Hospital, talks about the function, location and anatomy of the gallbladder and how it works as a part of the biliary tract. How can you know if you have a hernia? Dr. Juan-Carlos Verdeja, General Surgeon with West Kendall Baptist Hospital, says how he identifies these defects in the tissues of the abdominal wall, and explains what the peritoneal sac is. Epigastric, umbilical, and lateral hernia are some types of hernias. Dr. Juan-Carlos Verdeja, General Surgeon with West Kendall Baptist Hospital, talks about each one and explains where they are located. How can gallbladder disease be treated? Dr. Juan-Carlos Verdeja, General Surgeon with West Kendall Baptist Hospital, explains different types of treatment procedures, like medicine and surgery, among others. Gallstones can sometimes cause complications, such as inflammation and severe damage. Dr. Juan-Carlos Verdeja, General Surgeon with West Kendall Baptist Hospital, explains these and more conditions, including gallstone pancreatitis. Sometimes there are no symptoms of gallbladder disease. Dr. Juan-Carlos Verdeja, General Surgeon with West Kendall Baptist Hospital, explains some possible signs that help doctors diagnose gallbladder problems, such as gas and fullness after meals. Why are gallstones so common? According to Dr. Juan-Carlos Verdeja, General Surgeon with West Kendall Baptist Hospital, the prevalence of gallstone disease is due to a variety of risk factors, such as genetics and health habits.

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