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Lisette Hurtado, RN

NICHE program helps nurses in order people to have best results in older patient care, as well as to know signs and symptoms that should be searched for.
Lisette Hurtado, RN, Patient Care Nurse Manager with Baptist Hospital of Miami, affirms the nurses take an extensive core curriculum with the intention of specializing the care.
They identify the needs of patients and apply the program, she says. NICHE program helps nurses in order people to have best results in older patient care, as well as to know signs and symptoms that should be searched for.
Lisette Hurtado, RN, Patient Care Nurse Manager with Baptist Hospital of Miami, affirms the nurses take an extensive core curriculum with the intention of specializing the care.
They identify the needs of patients and apply the program, she says. Janet Maloney, DNP, Assistant Vice President of Nursing Administration with Baptist Hospital, explains what is required to obtain a NICHE certification.
Certification is divided into four categories: peer consultant, quality change, educator and clinician; she describes.
Lisette Hurtado, RN, Patient Care Nurse Manager with Baptist Hospital of Miami, advises involving patients and their families into the care plan and educating them.

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