Meg Daly Videos & Articles - Health Channel

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Meg Daly

Meg Daly, Founder, President and CEO with the Friends of The Underline, says they have hundreds of volunteers bringing their expertise to the Underline project. She highlights with the help of the neighbors they painted the fences of the Vizcaya station in just one hour.

Jessica Berrin, Director of the Baptist Health Foundation at Miami Cancer Institute, points out the most extraordinary part is that everyone is playing a role, because the community wants to see this project happen. Meg Daly, Founder, President and CEO with the Friends of The Underline, explains once they create the facility, it will be a platform for life. They will give people a place to congregate and share.

Jessica Berrin, Director of the Baptist Health Foundation at Miami Cancer Institute, says The Underline has the ability and potential to transform the overall health of Miami by providing a 10 mile walking and biking safe haven, and it will also alleviate traffic. Jessica Berrin, Director of the Baptist Health Foundation at Miami Cancer Institute, explains with The Underline project in Miami they are keeping people out of hospitals and ensuring they are living healthier longer lives.

She says Baptist Health South Florida is the official health care partner for The Underline and both teams are working closely to ensure the programs to encourage moving and exercising in line with what the community is looking for. Meg Daly, Founder, President and CEO with the Friends of The Underline, highlights they have yoga once a month, bike rides, and monthly walks. Meg Daly, Founder, President and CEO with the Friends of The Underline, says the phase 2 is going to be in design shortly and it will be in construction in 2020. It will be over two miles long, which is the length of the High Line in New York.

She points out the phase 2 will start from Coral Way to North Grove. She also explains the goal is to complete the project in seven years, and it is like a neighborhood park approach to the entire 10 miles. Meg Daly, Founder, President and CEO with the Friends of The Underline, explains phase 1 is the northern end of the Underline project, which will go from the Miami River to Coral Way. It addresses the need of the community, because it focuses on dog parks, playground areas, native vegetation and community stage for a program of health and wellness activities.

She also highlights the Underline is a transportation alternative, it will be connected to Metrorail and bus. It is thought to encourage people to get out of their cars. Meg Daly, Founder, President and CEO with the Friends of The Underline, explains the art pieces for The Underline project are from artists that were selected through Miami-Dade County. She says for a project with this level of investment and significance, it is required the collaboration of the Miami-Dade County, Friends of The Underline and a curator.

Jessica Berrin, Director of the Baptist Health Foundation at Miami Cancer Institute, points out there are also live performances, which is another form of art. Jessica Berrin, Director of the Baptist Health Foundation at Miami Cancer Institute, says Baptist Health South Florida has opened a Meditation Garden. It is opened to the community to rest, reflect, and enjoy a beautiful meditative space. It is the first point along The Underline for community engagement.

Meg Daly, Founder, President and CEO with the Friends of The Underline, explains health and wellness is one of the key components of The Underline. They also want to emphasize native vegetation, the need for a pollinator so they can be sustainable.


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