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Monica Ponce

Monica Ponce, Physician Assistant with Sunset Dermatology affirms atopic dermatitis is not contagious.
She affirms if kid skin is raw, nobody should touch it because anyone is more prone to these types of infections.
She advises seeing a doctor if the kid has an eczema as the digital imaging shows. Kids with atopic dermatitis have fungal and bacterial infections more often because their skin is more prone to them, explains Monica Ponce, Physician Assistant with Sunset Dermatology.
Topical medication is indicated for treatment. It can improve the conditions in two weeks, she affirms.
She also talks about tinea pedis, a fungal infection between the toes, which can pass from the toes to a groin area when people put their underwear. Molluscum contagiosum symptoms are: raised flesh colored, small, itchy, small indention in center and removed when scratched. It appears near the face, neck, arms and hands.
Monica Ponce, Physician Assistant with Sunset Dermatology affirms molluscum is very contagious to touch. She adds physicians see probably five or six kids a day with this condition.
The experts treat with a topical medication which causes a blistering reaction, she describes. Kids’ skin tends to be different, because they tend to have more sensitive skin and they’re more prone to environmental allergens and irritants, explains Monica Ponce, Physician Assistant with Sunset Dermatology.
She also says sometimes an adult comes in contact with something and there’s no reaction, but for kids It’s going to be different, because a lot of times kids will have a reaction.
She affirms most of the time, parents could be frustrated because they don’t know what is happening with their baby. Dry skin, itching, red-gray patches, small bumps, scaly skin and sensitive or raw skin are the atopic dermatitis symptoms, according to Monica Ponce, Physician Assistant with Sunset Dermatology.
She advises if parents notice that their child is having a dry skin, to make changes about the kid’s routines.
For raw skin, the specialist advises bleach baths, because it will help to decrease the bacterial count. Poison Ivy is the oil that causes allergy explains Monica Ponce, Physician Assistant with Sunset Dermatology, who adds the first time people come into contact with the allergy, they don’t react, but this first time is the one that will sensitize them to it.
She describes, the immune system forms a protective reaction for the next time. Reaction to poison ivy is internal and this is more dangerous, she affirms.
The specialist adds the oil of poison ivy can cause a reaction lasting few weeks. Eczema is one of the things that physicians more see in their offices. It’s a term that describes a few different types of reactions, but for the most part It’s what they refer to as atopic dermatitis, describes Monica Ponce, Physician Assistant with Sunset Dermatology.
She explains atopic dermatitis is one of the most frustrating things that parents can deal with. It ranges from very mild atopic dermatitis to severe atopic dermatitis.
The physician explains atopic dermatitis is not necessarily curable, but It’s a controllable condition. In about half of the cases, it resolves in adulthood.
The most frequent areas where atopic dermatitis occurs are behind the knees, the elbows and around the baby’s mouth. During pregnancy, your hair looks great; but what happens after delivery? Monica Ponce, Physician Assistant with Sunset Dermatology, says why hair loss is a common thing after pregnancy. What is the role of testosterone in hair loss? Monica Ponce, Physician Assistant with Sunset Dermatology, tells us how hormones cause hair loss in men of different ages. How often should we shed? What is the normal hair loss per day? Monica Ponce, Physician Assistant with Sunset Dermatology, explains the hair growth cycle and when it is important to know what is an abnormal shedding. Can drugs and treatments cause hair loss? Monica Ponce, Physician Assistant with Sunset Dermatology, explains the common causes of hair loss, such as hairstyles pulling on the hair and the immune system overreaction, among others. When women go through menopause, they can get hormone replacement therapy (HRT). Monica Ponce, Physician Assistant with Sunset Dermatology, explains the effect of HRT on hair loss. She also talks about the differences of hair loss between women and men. Hair loss happens in 80% of men over their lifetime, and in about 40%-45% of women over their lifetime. Monica Ponce, Physician Assistant with Sunset Dermatology, explains when women start to worry about thinning and its psychological impact on women. Sudden thinning of hair, gradual hair loss on top of the head, full body hair loss, and circular bald spots are hair loss symptoms in men and women. Monica Ponce, Physician Assistant with Sunset Dermatology, explains the female and male pattern hair loss.

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