Sandra Amador, ARNP Videos & Articles - Health Channel

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Sandra Amador, ARNP

Sandra Amador, ARNP, Medical Surgical Nurse with Baptist Hospital of Miami, explains nosocomial infections are the infections acquired in the hospital setting.

She says for the nursing staff, and for the healthcare team, it is very important to have a designated person to take decisions if the patient is not able to do it if the event occurs. Patients live longer nowadays due to medical treatment and technology. They’re experiencing chronic conditions such as sepsis and pneumonia. This is a big challenge for the population, says Janet Maloney, DNP, Assistant Vice President of Nursing Administration with Baptist Hospital.

Sandra Amador, ARNP, Medical Surgical Nurse with Baptist Hospital of Miami, states older patients usually have conditions like chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, congestive heart failure, pneumonia, and urinary tract infections that require an acute care. NICHE is a program about how to take care of geriatric patients. Sandra Amador, ARNP, Medical Surgical Nurse with Baptist Hospital of Miami, says at the Baptist close to 60% of their patients are 65 and older and this program is very important for the institution.
This program takes a lot of education about nursing. She affirms they have that hand in hand in providing care to their population of 65 and older. Sepsis is an infection that reaches the bloodstream. It can cause changes in blood pressure and mental status, and requires immediate medical attention, explains Sandra Amador, ARNP, Medical Surgical Nurse with Baptist Hospital of Miami.

The symptoms are: shivering, fever, pain, discomfort, sleepy, short of breath and pale or discolored skin, among others.

She affirms sepsis is more common in geriatric population because of their chronic conditions.


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