Finding out Multiple Pregnancy - Health Channel


Finding out Multiple Pregnancy |

Dr. Sarah Bedell, Obstetrician and Gynecologist at Baptist Health South Florida, says a lot of women that have twins or any type of multiple pregnancy will have worsening morning sickness. She explains it is related to the level of pregnancy hormone that they have in their body and that tends to be higher when you have more than one baby.

Weight is another sign. Dr. Joanna Bedell, Obstetrician and Gynecologist at Baptist Health South Florida, says it is normal to gain about 25-30 pounds for each fetus.


How do you know? Cuz there’s a lot of women out there again we talked a little bit about you kind of have some signs but is it the same morning sickness in the first trimester? >No a lot of women that have twins or any type of multiple will have worsening morning sickness and that’s related to the level of pregnancy hormone that they have in their body and that tends to be higher when you have more than one baby. >And then let’s go to weight obviously we’re all good again weight when we’re pregnant but is it a little bit more, Joanna? >Yes, certainly you can imagine just the babies themselves are going to weigh more and give you an extra weight gain in that regard it’s normal for a one fetus for you to gain about 25-30 pounds or so some women will gain a little bit more some a little bit less so like anecdotally our mom gained 75 pounds so that would be avarge. >And I guess you know no matter how I mean obviously you have to gain that weight cuz you’re crying three or four but it’s got to be hard on the moms, do you prepare them? >Oh absolutely just expectations don’t get nervous that you’re gaining that much weight and really that it’s normal its weight gain is expected whether you try to avoid it or not we have a lot of patients asking is it okay to diet yes it is but still there is that expectation that you are going to gain weight.

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