Finding the Right Moisturizer - Health Channel


Finding the Right Moisturizer |

Finding the Right Moisturizer, Health Channel

There are so many products for skin care and it can be difficult to find the right one for you. Dr. Deborah Longwill, Dermatologist at Baptist Health South Florida, says if you have very dry skin, then you should use a cream; if you have more oily skin but you still want to hydrate, you should use lotions; and if you have a breakdown of the skin, you should use an ointment.

She also recommends using moisturizers with peptide or vitamin C added if you want to have something that can help repair some damage or environmental influences.


Finding the Right Moisturizer, Health Channel

There are so many products out there sometimes I think for a lot of people that finding the best products for your skin can be a little intimidating and overwhelming so many choices you touched on this a little bit and something that affects me personally is the moisturizer issue you go out and you see there are all these types of moisturizers what do you recommend to people when it comes to a moisturizers and what kinds of questions are you getting from your patients? plenty of moisturizer really works in my classes, I have a variety of teenagers that have acne and oily skin I have adults and also children that have eczema and dark skin if you have very dry skin, then he would go to more of a cream. if you have more oily skin but you still want to hydrate, you would go toward the lotions if you have a breakdown of the skin, you would go to an ointment those are the three basic things if you want to have something that can help repair some damage or environmental influences, you would go with something that the peptide or vitamin c added to a lotion if you wanted something like if you had rosacea if you are more dry and you want those types of products to help repair the skin, you would include the vitamin C, peptide, and moisturizer with a cream base. the body cream has the same types of things. you don’t want to forget your neck and your chest and your hands. it depends on what the patient is actually looking for. we decide which moisturizer would work for them and sometimes patients don’t need moisturizer.

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