Follicular Unit Extraction - Health Channel


Follicular Unit Extraction |

Follicular Unit Extraction, Health Channel

The hair loss treatment called follicular unit extraction has some steps. Dr. Jeffrey Epstein, Facial Plastic Surgeon with Baptist Health South Florida, explains how they do the procedure that includes incisions around hair follicles, extraction of follicular units, and implantation.


Follicular Unit Extraction, Health Channel

Molecular unit extraction I got it tell us what’s happening here doctor and what you do yeah basically you can see in the top there’s this it shows that how the the graph that’s called says punch incision around the hair follicle so you’re actually taking a tiny punch 0.8 or 0.85 millimeters in size which is very tiny and with that punch removing as many as three to four hairs in one follicular unit so that’s what’s called the extraction of the follicular units schematic number two so you number three is and that donor area is being shown where you the heart of the hairs from where the hairs are harvested in the back of the head but also many times will take hairs from the side as well so the back and the sides those are those are called the permanent zones of the scalp then the hairs in dish three they’re they’re gathered together then four they’re being implanted into recipient sites and we have pictures of those punches that you were talking about so let’s show our viewers real quick and you can show us or tell us rather what they are these are I believe the machine that performs the punches do we have that gentleman yeah this is the most sophisticated system currently it’s not one of the proprietary brand punches and basically you can see a punch has actually an outer sharp edge so the sharp edge is what cuts the skin but the inner dull inner edge is what encounters the hair follicles and thus the follicles are not damaged which is the big issue when most of the proprietary systems use all sharp punches which can damage the follicles and obviously a transected follicle when it’s transplanted in the scalp will not grow properly you

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