Hernias: Causes and Prevalence - Health Channel


Hernias: Causes and Prevalence |

Hernias: Causes and Prevalence, Health Channel

Hernias are just holes or defects and they occur in many different places of the body most common areas. People can usually get them in the abdominal wall, the diaphragm and the groin, among others.

Dr. Michael Gonzalez Ramos, General Surgeon with Baptist Health South Florida, also says the reason why they occur is because of increased pressure in the abdomen. He adds about 25% of males, at some point of their lives, will have a hernia. The incidents in females are a little lower about 2 to 3 %.


Hernias: Causes and Prevalence, Health Channel

Hernias what they are and why they’re caused? > I mean a hernia just to keep it simple a hernia is just a hole or a defect and they occur in many different places of the body most common areas usually the groin but you can get him in the abdominal wall the diaphragm among others and the reason why they occur is because of increased pressure in the abdomen. > And here I am thinking that they’re so prevalent among women but it’s actually men who are more likely to get a hernia than a woman, correct? > You’re completely correct about 25 percent of males at some point of their lives will have a hernia, the incidents in females is a little bit Louis about 2 to 3%. > And why is that it’s because of different reasons in men there’s a very specific reason is in utero or testicles basically reside inside the abdominal cavity and as the baby matures inside the mother’s womb the testicles migrate down the inguinal canal and even though that closes they’re still usually a weakness there and over time that can grow now that’s specifically for inguinal hernias, there’s other factors for other types of hernias as well. > so when we talk about Hernias where in the body do they most likely occur? > Oh the groin definitely — really? — 90 percent of hernias will be there the most common places. > Why is that? > Again from what I mentioned before it also depends on patient factors you know if you have a smoker with a chronic cough or patients with constipation difficulty urinating that increased pressure and an effort that you’re putting over time it can cause a hernia to grow.

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