Home Remedies for Sciatica - Health Channel


Home Remedies for Sciatica |

Home Remedies for Sciatica, Health Channel

Dr. Jose Mena, Interventional Spine Specialist with Miami Orthopedics and Sports Medicine Institute, says when you have an acute injury, doctors will recommend a cold pack. “They are good for the first 48 hours.”

Hot packs, stretching and over-the-counter medication are other home remedies. “Stretching decreases the tension that you’re putting into the different segments or elements in the lower back. It should be in to the point that you’re not straining or making your symptoms worse, it actually should be the opposite.”


Home Remedies for Sciatica, Health Channel

OTC over-the-counter medications, plus there’s also some other things some home remedies, maybe you, you there may be Sal and others might be able to take advantage of. Cold packs might not be a bad idea to start. > Correct normally when we have an acute injury normally we, let’s say you started the symptoms today, normally we recommend a cold pack. Normally cold packs are good for the first 48 hours during the first 48 hours or once you develop an injury. After 48 hours ice or cold, I mean cold or heat can help. So some people that’s a very common question that people ask “what should I use cold or heat” for 48 hours ice after 48 hours ice or heat whatever you feel is more comfortable for you. Stretching basically decreases that the tension that you’re putting into the different segments or elements in the lower back. So that’s actually a good advice and normally stretching should be in to the point that you’re not straining or making your symptoms worse, it actually should be the opposite should relieve your symptoms. So for example, someone who has a disc herniation normally sitting down or bending over they feel pain, but normally we have what we call my mechanical preference most of time people extending their themselves backwards they feel better. It’s very common for people to feel discrimination all of a sudden they’re going like this. The opposite of course and people that they have arthritis of the back normally they tend to lean forward because that way they decompress the spine. So typically stretching should be to the point that you feel better it feel comparable and you’re able to sustain the position for the amount of time.

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