How a Village of Healthcare Professionals Come Together to Care for Stroke Patients - Health Channel


How a Village of Healthcare Professionals Come Together to Care for Stroke Patients |

How a Village of Healthcare Professionals Come Together to Care for Stroke Patients, Health Channel

How a Village of Healthcare Professionals Come Together to Care for Stroke Patients

Caring for a stroke patient is a team effort that requires the involvement of a variety of healthcare professionals. From nurses to nutritionists, psychologists to physical therapists, the journey to recovery takes a village. Once a patient is admitted to the acute rehab unit, the team evaluates the patient’s deficits and comes up with a plan. Intensive rehabilitation is provided twice a day, six days a week for several weeks, and the nursing staff is well-prepared to take care of the patients. Nutrition is also a critical component of stroke recovery, along with therapy disciplines and recreational therapy to improve reentry skills. Social workers and case managers are also on hand to assist with the emotional toll that a stroke can take. Overall, the team approach ensures that every aspect of the patient’s care is addressed, leading to the best possible outcome for stroke survivors.

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