Inflammation and Back Pain - Health Channel


Inflammation and Back Pain |

Inflammation and Back Pain, Health Channel

Fernando Vega, Physical Therapist at Miami Orthopedics and Sports Institute, explains when an injury occurs it sets off a cascade of events that ends up causing inflammation. “Inflammation is a natural occurring thing, we wouldn’t heal without inflammation. The problem is that once the injury heals, the inflammation continues and it will spread throughout the body,” he says.

To reduce inflammation he recommends drinking plenty of water, looking at leafy greens that definitely help eliminate some of the inflammation in our bodies, and using olive oil, which is also an anti-inflammatory food.


Inflammation and Back Pain, Health Channel

We hear about inflammation in the body okay and I understand that that actually if we reduce inflammation in the body we can actually reduce some of our back pain and I also understand we have something that you can reference if you want to take a little stroll over to a wall we have a bio digital the graph that kind of shows what is going on and maybe you can explain what we’re looking at and again how reducing that kind of inflammation is going to help us out. When an injury occurs it sets off a whole cascade of events that ends up causing inflammation so here you can see the redness going off this person is off obviously suffering from inflammation and inflammation is a natural occurring thing we wouldn’t heal without inflammation the problem is that once the injury heals and the inflammation continues and that inflammation will spread throughout the body Okay and other reasons you just mentioned somebody may be having an injury are there other reasons that people may be experiencing inflammation in the body? Absolutely there’s people that just generally have more inflammation in their bodies they operate at a higher level of inflammation that could be triggered from an injury or really from what their diet is or different activities that they’re dealing with. Okay and you just mentioned kind of the key word there to bring us to our next topic is diet so if you want to actually come come back to me and we’ll kind of talk a little bit more about the diet we hear so much about healthy diet exercising for benefits for our overall health I mean I feel like we hear this a lot but since we are talking again about inflammation let’s talk about any specific foods in our diet that might be able to help with that. Absolutely so there’s diet there’s things that we can eat that can help reduce inflammation in our lives number one is drink plenty of water we’re also looking at leafy greens that definitely help eliminate some of the inflammation in our bodies there’s specific fruits and vegetables that are that are on that list olive oil is also an anti-inflammatory food and then there’s also a list of foods that you should avoid then can also increase your inflammation in your body such as fatty foods fried foods.

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