Learning about Hernias - Health Channel


Learning about Hernias |

Learning about Hernias, Health Channel

Dr. Anthony Gonzalez, Medical Director of Bariatric Surgery at South Miami Hospital, says about one million hernias are repaired every year in the United States and they are seen in everyday practice.

He explains a hernia is a hole in your abdominal wall or groin where your insides are protruding through that area, and it can be painful.


Learning about Hernias, Health Channel

Let’s talk about hernias what exactly are they and how often do you see him well hernias are very common we see hernias about 1 million hernias are repaired a year in the u.s. and hernias are seen in everyday practice no matter what type of physician you are you’re going to see them of course in my area in my area of expertise as a specialist I see a lot of hernias and the simplest way to understand a hernia is its that a hole it’s a hole I tell our students that think of hernia H hole H hernia is a hole is just a hole in your abdominal wall or in your groin where your insides are protruding through that area and it’s painful it can be that night now I can start with some discomfort and then it can progress to pain of course with strangulation we’ll talk about that a little while but of course yes you can have a really really bad pain with her we have a 3d image of an abdomen and doctor I’d like you to walk over to our 3d wall and this will kind of help you understand where it’s located and what exactly is happening in the abdomen so take it away doctor yeah so what you have here is an image of the abdominal wall you have the musculature of the abdominal wall we’re gonna be talking about groin hernias which occurred down here in the ingre no groin location we’re going to be talking about hernias that occur in the belly button which is the humble itis and hernias that occur after surgery as well which is incisional hernia and as you peel away the abdominal wall and you can see that as the abdominal wall goes away then you definitely will see what the is the layers of the abdominal wall and then eventually you see the insides of the patient and that’s what is protruding through the hole you

[/vc_column_text][/vc_column][/vc_row] arve url=”https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tdgD4CkaJrM”]

Dr. Anthony Gonzalez, Medical Director of Bariatric Surgery at South Miami Hospital, says about one million hernias are repaired every year in the United States and they are seen in everyday practice.

He explains a hernia is a hole in your abdominal wall or groin where your insides are protruding through that area, and it can be painful.


Learning about Hernias, Health Channel

Let’s talk about hernias what exactly are they and how often do you see him well hernias are very common we see hernias about 1 million hernias are repaired a year in the u.s. and hernias are seen in everyday practice no matter what type of physician you are you’re going to see them of course in my area in my area of expertise as a specialist I see a lot of hernias and the simplest way to understand a hernia is its that a hole it’s a hole I tell our students that think of hernia H hole H hernia is a hole is just a hole in your abdominal wall or in your groin where your insides are protruding through that area and it’s painful it can be that night now I can start with some discomfort and then it can progress to pain of course with strangulation we’ll talk about that a little while but of course yes you can have a really really bad pain with her we have a 3d image of an abdomen and doctor I’d like you to walk over to our 3d wall and this will kind of help you understand where it’s located and what exactly is happening in the abdomen so take it away doctor yeah so what you have here is an image of the abdominal wall you have the musculature of the abdominal wall we’re gonna be talking about groin hernias which occurred down here in the ingre no groin location we’re going to be talking about hernias that occur in the belly button which is the humble itis and hernias that occur after surgery as well which is incisional hernia and as you peel away the abdominal wall and you can see that as the abdominal wall goes away then you definitely will see what the is the layers of the abdominal wall and then eventually you see the insides of the patient and that’s what is protruding through the hole you

[/vc_column_text][/vc_column][/vc_row] ve url=”https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tdgD4CkaJrM”]

Dr. Anthony Gonzalez, Medical Director of Bariatric Surgery at South Miami Hospital, says about one million hernias are repaired every year in the United States and they are seen in everyday practice.

He explains a hernia is a hole in your abdominal wall or groin where your insides are protruding through that area, and it can be painful.


Learning about Hernias, Health Channel

Let’s talk about hernias what exactly are they and how often do you see him well hernias are very common we see hernias about 1 million hernias are repaired a year in the u.s. and hernias are seen in everyday practice no matter what type of physician you are you’re going to see them of course in my area in my area of expertise as a specialist I see a lot of hernias and the simplest way to understand a hernia is its that a hole it’s a hole I tell our students that think of hernia H hole H hernia is a hole is just a hole in your abdominal wall or in your groin where your insides are protruding through that area and it’s painful it can be that night now I can start with some discomfort and then it can progress to pain of course with strangulation we’ll talk about that a little while but of course yes you can have a really really bad pain with her we have a 3d image of an abdomen and doctor I’d like you to walk over to our 3d wall and this will kind of help you understand where it’s located and what exactly is happening in the abdomen so take it away doctor yeah so what you have here is an image of the abdominal wall you have the musculature of the abdominal wall we’re gonna be talking about groin hernias which occurred down here in the ingre no groin location we’re going to be talking about hernias that occur in the belly button which is the humble itis and hernias that occur after surgery as well which is incisional hernia and as you peel away the abdominal wall and you can see that as the abdominal wall goes away then you definitely will see what the is the layers of the abdominal wall and then eventually you see the insides of the patient and that’s what is protruding through the hole you

[/vc_column_text][/vc_column][/vc_row] arve url=”https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tdgD4CkaJrM”]

Dr. Anthony Gonzalez, Medical Director of Bariatric Surgery at South Miami Hospital, says about one million hernias are repaired every year in the United States and they are seen in everyday practice.

He explains a hernia is a hole in your abdominal wall or groin where your insides are protruding through that area, and it can be painful.


Learning about Hernias, Health Channel

Let’s talk about hernias what exactly are they and how often do you see him well hernias are very common we see hernias about 1 million hernias are repaired a year in the u.s. and hernias are seen in everyday practice no matter what type of physician you are you’re going to see them of course in my area in my area of expertise as a specialist I see a lot of hernias and the simplest way to understand a hernia is its that a hole it’s a hole I tell our students that think of hernia H hole H hernia is a hole is just a hole in your abdominal wall or in your groin where your insides are protruding through that area and it’s painful it can be that night now I can start with some discomfort and then it can progress to pain of course with strangulation we’ll talk about that a little while but of course yes you can have a really really bad pain with her we have a 3d image of an abdomen and doctor I’d like you to walk over to our 3d wall and this will kind of help you understand where it’s located and what exactly is happening in the abdomen so take it away doctor yeah so what you have here is an image of the abdominal wall you have the musculature of the abdominal wall we’re gonna be talking about groin hernias which occurred down here in the ingre no groin location we’re going to be talking about hernias that occur in the belly button which is the humble itis and hernias that occur after surgery as well which is incisional hernia and as you peel away the abdominal wall and you can see that as the abdominal wall goes away then you definitely will see what the is the layers of the abdominal wall and then eventually you see the insides of the patient and that’s what is protruding through the hole you


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