Maternity Care and Breast Pumping - Health Channel


Maternity Care and Breast Pumping |

Grisel Gigato, Lactation Nurse with the Center for Women and Infants at South Miami Hospital, explains if mothers are not able to put their babies directly on the breast, they encourage them and support them with breast pumping.

She points out breast milk is nutrition and medicine that mothers are providing and only they can provide for their babies. She also says moms can breast pump next to the inhibitor or crib, so they can look at their babies, which helps in getting more milk.


How do you comfort those moms that just can’t be with them as much because they may be in the NICU I mean it’s hard you got to probably comfort them talk to them I remember mine was just a few maybe a few minutes I don’t remember to be honest but I was devastated right right yeah I didn’t want to be away from her mm-hmm so I can only imagine in an NICU it’s a little bit more difficult it is it is but you know if if moms are which we really encourage our moms to to provide breast milk for for their babies so if they’re not able to put the baby directly on the breast we do encourage them and support them with breast pumping and collecting their milk so we we praise them for that because it is a lot of time a lot of effort a lot of work that they have to put into preserving so we explain to them that you know it’s nutrition and it’s medicine that they are providing and only they can provide for their baby so you know so we work with that and you know and we tell them when your breast pump you can breast pump next to your babies incubator or crib so you can look at your baby you can hear your baby cry move and so forth which helps in getting more and more milk expressed exactly so we just we focus on the positives of the situation and we praise the moms and dads for being there for further baby you.

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