Medication for Cervical Stenosis - Health Channel


Medication for Cervical Stenosis |

Medication for Cervical Stenosis, Health Channel

Pain relievers, antidepressants, anti-seizure drugs and opioids are some medications a doctor may prescribe to treat cervical spinal stenosis.

Claudia Hogdson, Advanced Registered Nurse Practitioner with Miami Orthopedics and Sports Medicine Institute, explains pain is sometimes worsened by patients who have depression, and that is the reason to prescribe antidepressants. “If we are able to get to treat their depression, patients feel better, and the need for more painkillers is diminished.”


Medication for Cervical Stenosis, Health Channel

There are medicines that are available for cervical stenosis let’s show our viewers a few of them and we’ll chime in on them the first one of course is pain relievers and dr. Manor did mention those those would normally be leave this surprised me Claudia antidepressants pain is sometimes worsened by patients who have depression if we’re able to you know get to the root of what’s going on you know treat their depression patients feel better and the need for more painkillers is diminished you know so if we can get them to change their their mood their thoughts you know change you know their motivation for moving again everything that we’ve alluded to has to do with them moving strengthening stretching in order for them to move forward with a healthy lifestyle if they’re not able to help with their depression then they’re really not going to be able to get the appropriate treatment whether it is you know anti-inflammatories epidural injections you know going out being active there they’re gonna be stuck the only things that people that if we see people that they have a chronic pain they might be dealing a lot a lot as well with depression and some people might ask that my ask themself why there’s correlation between two of those yeah the answer is yes so if we look at literature and we see the pathway of how this medications and how people the the interaction of those two what happens is that normally when someone has pain there’s some chemicals in the brains that they will start getting depleted in order to fight for the pain norepinephrine serotonin that those two correct so in the same those two same chemicals they actually worked with depression so people they have low levels of norepinephrine is rotating or the two chemicals in the brain they also they can be a risk for depression so that’s why people with chronic pain they can have depression or people with depression they can lead into into chronic pain so those those are why sometimes some physicians they will go ahead and prescribe antidepressants in order to raise those levels up and that will change their mood on the patient and they will be able to go better with the symptoms so you could you something like an effexor xr exactly is actually ten to work for her for the floor for pink you

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