Move to Avoid Back Pain - Health Channel


Move to Avoid Back Pain |

Move to Avoid Back Pain, Health Channel

Amir Mahajer, Interventional Spine Specialist at Baptist Health Neuroscience Center, recommends doing some aerobic exercises to reduce pain. “Exercising by itself causes all of this release of chemicals that are better than basically any medication,” he points out.

He also tells the patients to walk briskly for thirty minutes at a minimum and at least four days a week. According to him, the best thing to do is a balanced routine that includes warming up for ten minutes, some stretching and some strength training.


Move to Avoid Back Pain, Health Channel

I think movement is very important right you don’t want to be sedentary. Absolutely we’re brushing the topics and one thing you can get out there is go take a walk I mean if if you’re having some back pain doing some aerobic exercises an extra excellent way to reduce pain in general we’re now learning that just exercising by itself it causes all of this release of chemicals that are better than basically any medication that we get it it does the endocannabinoid system the norepinephrine system the me receptors which is all the receptors for the different medicines that we use and people don’t like meant taking medications they have side effects and exercise has none of those things. So what’s the the minimum you should do just a walk ten minute walk a day or what’s the thing that everyone should do at least? So you see the way you can walk briskly not a mall walk you should be able to have a difficult time talking with some not a difficult time talking but you couldn’t really sing that’s kind of the moderate level of activity that you want to look for and you want to do that thirty minutes at a minimum and at least four days per week so most days of the week if you can get in seven days per week that’d be great and the best thing to do is a balanced routine so that includes a warm-up for ten minutes I’ve cooled down for ten minutes some stretching and some strength training – strength training can be done with bottles at home it can be done with three feet of floor space you don’t necessarily need a gym however there’s great gyms in Florida I think Baptist is partnering with the YMCA not to name any particular company but we’re going to be working together with some kind of back program in the future.

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