Overcoming Discrimination | Building Bridges - Health Channel


Overcoming Discrimination | Building Bridges |

Overcoming Discrimination | Building Bridges, Health Channel

Discrimination is unfortunately something many of us have to face in our lifetimes. It can involve negative feelings about someone’s race, age, disability, religious beliefs or sexual orientation. But in some arenas, there are clear signs of progress.


Overcoming Discrimination | Building Bridges, Health Channel

Discrimination is unfortunately something many of us have to face in our lifetimes it’s everywhere and can involve negative feelings about someone’s race age disability religious beliefs or sexual orientation but in summer eanes there are clear signs of progress what’s different about being a parent and being gay and being a parent it’s all about being a parent I mean we’re all parents and we all know what that means and we have a shared thing and it’s never even a question what’s wonderful about this phase of our revolution you know in our fight towards equal rights is that we are now parents we’re not a special family experts say parents should be good role models and show children that they accept others for their differences also stick to facts keep emotions or opinions out of conversations when you’re explaining differences to children.

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