Page 291 – Health Channel

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Cosmetics & Pregnancy

Cosmetics & Pregnancy

Dr. Karen Salazar-Valdes, Obstetrician and Gynecologist with Baptist Hospital of Miami, says there are some products that contain ammonia and formaldehyde but nowadays are more considered safe in pregnancy than in the past.

The expert affirms she doesn’t forbid her …

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Pregnancy: Trimesters

Pregnancy: Trimesters

Pregnancy divides into three trimesters, but what is the difference between them? Dr. Eduardo Valdes, Obstetrician and Gynecologist with Baptist Health South Florida, explains what happens in each one of them and how the baby is developed.…

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Reasons for a C-Section

Reasons for a C-Section

Labor dystocia is a common reason for doing a C-Section. Dr. Anna Suarez Davis, Obstetrician and Gynecologist at Baptist Hospital of Miami, explains it happens when the labor does not progress the way that doctors expect.

According to her, another …

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Pregnancy: Due Date

Pregnancy: Due Date

How is the due date determined? Dr. Eduardo Valdes, Obstetrician and Gynecologist with Baptist Health South Florida, explains the due date is usually determined by the first day of the patient’s last period, and how are the other different calculations.…

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How Birth Looks Like?

How Birth Looks Like?

Dr. Alberto Sirven, Medical Director of the West Kendall OB/GYN Program and Women and Infant Credentials Committee Chairman with West Kendall Baptist Hospital, explains with a 3D imaging when a baby is dropping.

He describes the whole wonderful process of …

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