Pet and Season Allergies - Health Channel


Pet and Season Allergies |

Pet and Season Allergies, Health Channel

Pets are cute but trigger an allergy, because once a person is sensitized, when a person has a repeat exposure it becomes easier to kind of have that allergic reaction, explains Dr. Javier Hiriart, Pediatrician at Family Medicine Center at West Kendall Baptist Hospital.

He recommends avoiding pet dander and being close to them because it can become aerosol eyes and people become sensitive to it.

For certain people the symptoms could be year-round or perennial. The doctor jokes about the mango season in Miami. “Locally when people say: ‘I know when mango season is. It’s not because the mangoes are ready to eat. It’s because the flowers are out and I’m all of a sudden sneezing and having allergies,” he says.

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