Pregnancy and Education - Health Channel


Pregnancy and Education |

Pregnancy and Education, Health Channel

Every woman is different, and every pregnancy is different. Dr. Eduardo Valdes, Obstetrician and Gynecologist with Baptist Health South Florida, talks about the importance of educating women about being pregnant from the first time they come into the office.


Pregnancy and Education, Health Channel

There is a lot that happens during those nine months of pregnancy and every woman is different so how important is education and educating the women the first time when they come into the office so first pregnancy always a you know it’s the unknown right so patients don’t really know what’s going on how it’s a fear so we always try and answer other questions make sure they always have you know questions when they come to the office make sure they’re comfortable and form them of what to expect in the future in the near future and especially in you know as we go along in the pregnancy through the trimesters and and what to expect throughout those periods I can only imagine the kind of questions you get as a first-time parent so can you share some of the most common ones you’ve got I mean I remember the ones I asked so I would love to hear the ones that your patients made you know anything and everything is basically they asked they asked um usually you know it’s the nausea when Sandoz you’re gonna stop the vomiting what am I going to start feeling a little better when I’m gonna feel the baby moving you know how is the delivery process gonna go you know so those are normal the normal questions of you know of pregnancy you.

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