Pregnancy & Back Pain - Health Channel


Pregnancy & Back Pain |

Pregnancy & Back Pain, Health Channel

Being pregnant is a delicate topic because the woman is limited to what postures and what positions she can assume towards. Before she gets pregnant it is important to have a strong core and strong back muscles, recommends Dr. Melissa Guanche, Physiatrist at Baptist Health Neuroscience Center.

Also she says it is important to take rest brakes, to do stretching and never start a new exercise routine that’s not supervised. If the patient was an active person before the pregnancy, she can continue doing some gentle routine under the specialist’s supervision.


Pregnancy & Back Pain, Health Channel

And now I want to change the focus to maybe a pregnant woman someone out there that may be having that back pain you just had a baby been there done that a lot of women do these kind of exercises that we’re seeing right there they work for others it does not so are there other exercises that could help prevent or perhaps maybe treat that lower back pain that happens? Being pregnant is a delicate topic because you’re limited to what postures and what positions you can assume towards the half and end of your pregnancy before you get pregnant trying to have a strong core and strong back muscles is very important why do you get pregnant staying physically active and doing some strengthening exercises for your back very important and then gentle exercises while you’re pregnant very common is a pain from what’s called the sacroiliac joint while you’re pregnant there are support belts that can help knowing it’s temporary taking rest breaks doing your stretching those are the most common techniques when pregnant women present to my office. And let’s talk about the pregnant women that present to your office because there are obviously different women who are very active before they get pregnant there are some that have really never even been to the gym or done anything for that matter so do you treat them differently? Absolutely if you’re pregnant and you’re having back pain and you’ve never exercised you’re doing any type of strengthening exercise this is not the time to start a you know a new regimen you never want to start pregnant or not pregnant you never want to start a new exercise routine that’s not supervised when you’re having a painful back condition if you were healthy active and you did exercise prior to your pregnancy you can continue that safely of course under the supervision of your your gynecologist and your obstetrician.

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