Preventing Back Pain Tips - Health Channel


Preventing Back Pain Tips |

Preventing Back Pain Tips, Health Channel

Practicing a good posture when you stand or sit, maintaining a healthy weight, and eating a healthy diet are tips to prevent back pain.

Susan Nowrouzi, Registered Dietitian at Baptist Hospital of Miami, says good posture gives less pressure on the back and weight is the main factor of back pain. Exercising to keep your back and abdomen strong and flexible, and taking steps to reduce stress on your back are also some other tips to stay healthy.


Preventing Back Pain Tips, Health Channel

Wanna go to a graphic that we have, because everything we’re focusing on today, is preventing back pain, Susan when you deal with your patients, and when you’re trying to get them to eat right which in itself has gotta be most difficult things in the world, how much of this do you use?, in preventing back pain, how much of it do you push forward to your patients?. > I really cover all of them, because I think they’re all important, good posture, so that way it will give them, better like as dr. Tolkien said, better you know less pressure of their back, weight absolutely that’s the main reason they’re there, eating a healthy diet to cause the healthy way, and exercise, because they need to really work on their core muscles, to build up their core muscles.> How do you reduce stress though on the back?, what’s the best way to do that dr. please?.> Yes so to stretch for example that’s a great way to reduce stress on the back ,to stretch the back muscles, stretch the leg muscles, the hamstrings, those are big muscles in the back of the legs, that reduces the stress, it reduces the tilt of the pelvis, and like Susan said, actually I can’t do this all alone in my practice, I can’t change people’s diet, diet habits all alone, I could suggest, but I worked very closely with someone lectures in the dietitian or Susan, and we get people to work we go work with, them this way it’s a team effort, I work on the physical side, Susan works on the dietary, and nutritional side, we work together because it is a multifactorial problem.

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