Recovery from Kyphoplasty - Health Channel


Recovery from Kyphoplasty |

Recovery from Kyphoplasty, Health Channel

Dr. Jose Mena, Interventional Spine Specialist with Miami Orthopedics & Sports Medicine Institute, affirms the recovery from kyphoplasty should be with minimal pain.
The doctor says they can clear the patient even up to 48 hours after surgery. After a week, most of the patients can start an exercise program.
He affirms the procedure is covered by insurance if patients have the requirements for the surgery.
Patients with chronic fractures can’t be eligible for that procedure.


Recovery from Kyphoplasty, Health Channel

I want to know what is recovery like after it’s done no money for recovery for my Chi philosophy normally a patient immediately they may have some soreness which is expected we just do a small incision in the skin and also the the needle which is a it’s a thick needle went through different layers of muscle into reaching into bone the normally we’re expecting them to have some sort of a soreness or some minimal pain or procedural pain however as the day goes by they normally should start getting better normally we can clear the patient even up to 48 hours following the procedure however we kind of we don’t follow that rule we kind of see the patient a week after just to make sure to give them enough time most of the time patient’s are doing much better and we can start them on an exercise program right away what about going back to your normal activities exercise or work with the ones actually within 48 hours technically patients can be okay to go back to do things our we want to see them within a week just to give them enough time be a little more cautious and if everything goes well they’re doing much better we can start clearing them and advancing and progressing them to an exercise program here’s a million dollar question as insurance covering this procedure the procedures being covered by insurance it’s being FDA clear and an approved and has been done for many years already so the answer will be yes and obviously you have to have the requirements for the procedure now who would not be a candidate for this kind of procedure okay people that won’t be candidates will be people that they have the fractures being chronic sometimes we encounter that on patients that they may have a chronic fracture and that’s most likely that’s not the source of the problem in very few occasions I have encountered people that they have chronic fractures but when we get a bone scan normally the fracture is still active and those patient they will be they will be a candidate people that they have history of that they’re on blood thinners that they cannot stop the blood thinner for for any indicate or for for medical reasons they have an infection of the area of the of the of the procedure normally those are not gonna be candidates for immediately for the procedure you

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