Risk Factors for Back Pain - Health Channel


Risk Factors for Back Pain |

Risk Factors for Back Pain, Health Channel

80% of the population will experience a back problem in their life, but there are things that can increase back pain risks: getting older, poor physical fitness, being overweight, smoking and job.
Dr. Jose Mena, Interventional Spine Specialist with Miami Orthopedics & Sports Medicine Institute, says most patients don’t move enough and they’re not getting their muscles properly fit. When the areas are weakened, that can cause pain. Being sedentary can also cause back pain, the specialist affirms.


Risk Factors for Back Pain, Health Channel

As we said about 80% of the population will experience a back problem at some point in their life but there are things that can increase your risk besides aging so we would look at them with doctor Manor the first one obviously getting older for physical fitness that’s a big one for physical fitness the muscles are not they’re not our patient is they’re not moving around they’re not getting those muscles properly fit and they can cause heat they can cause weakness and the musculature and that can lead you into all the pressure Norma is being transferred all the load is being transferred to the spine and already it’s being when someone has degenerative changes already the the areas are weakened that can cause you pain being overweight as well that’s something that are not only for spine or pain we talked to that about cardiovascular good cholesterol people they have diabetes it only being overweight is a risk factor for pretty much every single condition order diseases depending on the type of disease that we’re talking about people that they do have hip problems that the the way that they walk in they can cause problems into the back because of the gait alterations the job if you work either construction or heavy labor that you’re lifting heavy stuff all day but also being sedentary sitting all day at work can also cost you back problems as well and definitely smoking if you’re if you smoke less you’re constricting the small blood vessels that they supply the the muscles and the difference the different structures in the body that can lead you into having back problems as well can being fit from a young age to you know obviously your 20s 30s can that can that help you avoid getting much of this that we’ve been talking about it can it can definitely because you’re more used to be in a regular activity program using the exercise as part of your daily living so it will it’s easier for an IOC down on patients it’s easier for those patients to get into a custom into an exercise program also you have to be careful on the type of activity that you you’ve been doing also because sometimes from depending on the type of sports that patients have been been dealing with throughout their life that can also be that can also affect the back especially gymnastics football injuries those things that they over time they can accumulate and they can cause they can lead to having spine problems you

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