Risk for Preterm Labor - Health Channel


Risk for Preterm Labor |

Risk for Preterm Labor, Health Channel

Smoking, overweight and underweight, not getting good prenatal care, alcohol or drug usage, and having health conditions are factors that could increase a mother’s risk of preterm labor. Dr. Alberto Sirven, Medical Director of the West Kendall OB/GYN Program and Women and Infant Credentials Committee Chairman with West Kendall Baptist Hospital, explains those are risk factors that can be modified easily.

He says smoking increases the chances of underweight babies and preterm labor. He also points out alcohol has shown to cause alcohol fetal syndrome, which is a reason for multiple fetal anomalies.


Risk for Preterm Labor, Health Channel

So let’s discuss some of those factors that could increase a mother’s risk of preterm labor we have a graphic here smoking that goes without saying well I shouldn’t be smoking at all right I think that really when we look at this risk factors these are risk factors that we could modify a change pretty easy and I think that this are so important to change when you’re pregnant we should not be smoking at all but when you’re pregnant you definitely should not be smoking smoking increases the chances of underway babies and also preterm labor another thing that is see there you know the book the big spectrum in life is either not to be overweight or underweight by that matter and I think that if you are doing a great control of your diet prior to getting pregnant and once you’re pregnant you’re going to decrease the chance of being in that spectrum in life and also getting good prenatal care you know if you don’t follow your doctor’s advice if you don’t go to your doctor’s office on a regular basis and your prenatal care is not adequate you have a higher chance of preterm labor alcohol drug use of course alcohol has shown to cause alcohol syndrome which is a reason for multiple fetal anomalies so alcohol is definitely encouraged during pregnancy and having health condition well any type of chronic medical problem could definitely increase the chance of having preterm labor I think a lot of those chronic medical problems could be addressed prior to getting pregnant so you could decrease the chances of getting pregnant and other risk factors yes if you have a baby that has and birth defect in general there’s a higher chance of having preterm labor as far as in-between fertilization of course every time that we undo something that maybe it’s not as natural and somehow interfere there is an increased chance but the majority of individual pregnancies would develop into a full-term pregnancy without any problems multiple pregnancy anything that is greater than then one increase their risk nowadays and especially with individual pregnancies we try to decrease on the number of cycles that are implanted therefore you don’t want to have three or anything greater than that because definitely increase the chances if you had a prior history premature labor there’s definitely increased risk or pretend labor and those patients should get certain medications that are given to prevent the recurrence of this you.

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