Scoliosis: Spinal Curvature Disorders - Health Channel


Scoliosis: Spinal Curvature Disorders |

Scoliosis: Spinal Curvature Disorders, Health Channel

Dr. Georgiy Brusovanik, Spine Surgeon with Baptist Health South Florida, explains the position of the head in the frontal plane, as well as from the side, will determine whether the patient will have pain or whether they will be able to live with scoliosis a normal life.

He also says the patient could have back pain and once they develop neurological compression they will have pain going down their leg and sometimes even all the way down to the foot. “If the curve becomes so significant that the bones shift with thereby compressing the neurological canal, they will have difficulty walking and a lot of these patients will say that without a shopping cart, or without leaning forwards they can’t really walk much of a distance.”


Scoliosis: Spinal Curvature Disorders, Health Channel

So our viewers doctor what scoliosis looks like and it’s pretty dramatic to see the change let you take it right now. > So perfect example I would say this is more mild curve you can see this thoracic curvature but you can still sort of see that the hair is above the pelvis, the position of the head in the AP the frontal plane as well as from the side will determine in in many ways whether the patient will have pain or whether they will be able to live with scoliosis a normal life.> And doctor does this individual or obviously it’s a 3d image, but does this individual that may be suffering from this do they have physical symptoms?, uneven shoulders could that occur?.> Absolutely but uneven shoulders would not really make me jump at conclusion that they’re in pain, so a full length x-ray where we could see the position of the head above the pelvis, will say a lot but the symptoms that this patients develop, are the same that a lot of patients with degenerative conditions develop back pain, and once they get the develop neurological compression they’ll have pain going down there thigh, down their leg, and sometimes even all the way down to the foot, if the curve becomes so significant that the bones shift with thereby compressing the neurological canal, they will have difficulty walking and a lot of these patients will say that without a shopping cart, or without leaning forwards they can’t really walk much of a distance very significant very intimate interfering with their quality of life.

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