Screen Time Safety | Building Bridges |
First of all, what’s screen time? Screen time is any and all time your child spends using a screen: TV, smartphone, tablet, video gaming devices, etc. Even small amounts of screen time throughout the day add up, like watching educational videos or games. However, there are aspects of technology that aren’t so safe or healthy. With digital media as such a prominent source of entertainment for people of all ages, what do parents need to know about screen time? How safe is it really, and what can we do to help our kids grow up healthy? Here’s what you need to know.
The internet is an important part of our lives these days it helps us stay in touch with loved ones and you can even have a telemedicine consult online but during this pandemic especially with kids there are concerns about too much screen time and when it’s okay to break the rules sometimes maybe a little more screen time helps you finish a conference call or putting that movie on gets you to make dinner real quickly without a distraction since you have been home with them all day long I just say proceed with caution because you know you don’t want to get into the finding yourself you know letting your kid watch tablet for three hours four hours there are other concerns legal authorities have warned that there appears to be a surge in online predators targeting children during the coronavirus pandemic the fbi says speak to your kids about dangers online don’t assume they’re immune to attack and keep their computers in common areas so you can supervise them as much as