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Hair Loss and Pregnancy

Video Pregnancy Women´s Health Hair Loss Healhty Women Health Hormones Pregnancy

During pregnancy, your hair looks great; but what happens after delivery? Monica Ponce, Physician Assistant with Sunset Dermatology, says why hair loss is a common thing after pregnancy.

Risks of an Early Delivery

Video Pregnancy Healthy Women Pregnancy Pregnant Risk Factors Women Multifetal

Women with multiple pregnancies are six times more likely to give birth in prematurely terms. “Delivering early is kind of the hallmark risk of when you have multiple pregnancy. It’s a space issue and when the uterus is distended or when it kind of gets large, if you just have one baby that takes about […]

Expectations of Labor

Video Pregnancy Women´s Health C-Section Risks Expectations Healthy Pregnancy Healthy Women Labor Ultrasound

Dr. Joanna Bedell, Obstetrician and Gynecologist at Baptist Health South Florida, says a labor process will depend on ultrasound findings and how the babies are positioned together. “Twins, if the first baby is head down and the second baby isn’t too much bigger than the first baby, then it’s safe to actually have a vaginal […]

Maternity Care: Co-sleeping

Video Pediatrics Women´s Health Children Co-sleeping Health Healthy Baby Maternity Care

About co-sleeping and co-bedding, Paula Plympton, Neonatal Nurse Practitioner with Baptist Health South Florida, says it is important that a baby have their safe sleep area, because there can be accidental suffocation with a parent or a pillow. She explains co-bedding is not recommended, but room sharing is recommended, the crib has to be in […]

Maternity and Lactation Specialists

Video Pregnancy Women´s Health Child Health Healthy Women Maternity and Lactation Pregnancy

Grisel Gigato, Lactation Nurse with the Center for Women and Infants at South Miami Hospital, says a lactation specialist teaches moms to breast-feed, and the benefits of the best nutrition they can offer the baby and the great bond they can have with their kids while breast feeding. She explains lactation consults are ordered by […]

The Importance of a Birth Plan

Video Men´s Health Women´s Health Birth Plan Child Healthy Pregnancy Healthy Women Pregnancy

The most important birth plan is the discussion that a patient has with her doctor prior when going to give birth. Dr. Alberto Sirven, Medical Director of the West Kendall OB/GYN Program and Women and Infant Credentials Committee Chairman with West Kendall Baptist Hospital, advises consulting with a specialist before going into a labor. According […]

Women Age Fertility Rate

Video Sexuality Women´s Health Fertility Rate Women Age

In the uterus, women have about 6 to 7 million eggs and when they’re born that number goes down to reach about 2 million. When women are ovulating and having periods, it’s about 200,000 eggs, explains Dr. Alejandra Salazar, Obstetrician and Gynecologist with Baptist Health South Florida. In every cycle multiple eggs mature and women […]

Prenatal Visits: Common Questions

Video Pregnancy Women´s Health Birth Plan Healthy Pregnancy Healthy Women Medications Prenatal Visit

Regarding delivery, most questions are about epidural vs. natural delivery, Dr. Joanna Bedell, Obstetrician and Gynecologist with Baptist Health South Florida, explains epidural is very safe and helpful. Dr. Sarah Bedell. Obstetrician and Gynecologist with Baptist Health South Florida, advises moms to start to look for a pediatrician in the last two months of pregnancy.

Maternity Care: SIDS vs. SUID

Video Pregnancy Women´s Health Health Infant Death Maternity Care SIDS SUID

Dr. Jaime Fernandez, Pediatric Neonatologist with Homestead Hospital, explains SIDS stands for sudden infant death syndrome: “What’s happened is the nomenclature has changed a little bit, in the sense that now we call it SUID, which is sudden unexpected infant death.” He also says if you think about it as an umbrella, SUID is the […]

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