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Understanding Viagra and Heart Health

Video Cardiovascular Health Men´s Health Sexuality

Discover the risks and benefits associated with using Viagra, a commonly prescribed medication for erectile dysfunction.

STDs Prevention

Video Senior Life

There are many ways to prevent sexually transmitted diseases (STDs): using condoms, getting vaccinated, getting tested, communicating and abstaining. Dr. Alberto Sirven, Medical Director of the West Kendall OB/GYN Program and Women and Infant Credentials Committee Chairman with West Kendall Baptist Hospital, says although condoms are not 100% effective, they are one of the best […]

Treating Stomach Pain

Video Digestion Pain Management

Dr. Deepa Sharma, Family Medicine Physician with Baptist Health Primary Care, recommends patients when having severe abdominal pain and it is terrible to see their primary care doctor. “That should go to the emergency room, because it may require lab test, imaging test, or immediate medical intervention.” She explains when a patient comes into the […]

Peyronie’s Disease: Causes & Symptoms

Video Men´s Health

Peyronie’s disease is a curvature to the penis. Dr. Daniel Martinez, Urologist with Baptist Health South Florida, affirms peyronie’s disease is very common, with a prevalence of about 11 and 13 %, but also It’s underreported, maybe less than 1%. The symptoms of peyronie’s disease are: scar tissue, a significant bend to the penis, erection […]

Benefits of Charcoal

Video Nutrition

What is charcoal good for? Carla Duenas, Registered Dietitian with Baptist Health South Florida, explains the meaning of activated charcoal and how it is used to detox the body.

Coconut Oil: Healthy Option

Video Nutrition

Is coconut oil healthy, or is it just a trend? Lucette Talamas, Registered Dietitian with Baptist Health South Florida, explains coconut oil is a solid fat, and its label of nutrition facts says it is mostly saturated fat.

How to Start Intimate Conversations

Video Men´s Health Sexuality Women´s Health

Expert tips on how to start intimate conversations with your partner, and ways to know if someone is attracted to you. Plus, a male sexual health doctor talks about effective hormone management.

DISCLAIMER: The information and opinions expressed in the programs on this channel and website are intended to address specific questions asked or situations described in each particular program, are for educational purposes only, and are not designed to constitute advice or recommendations as to any disease, ailment, or physical condition. You should not act or rely upon any information contained in these programs without seeking the advice of your personal physician or a qualified medical provider. If you have any questions about the information or opinions expressed, please contact your doctor or other medical professional.