Stroke and Mini Stroke - Health Channel

Stroke and Mini Stroke |

Stroke and Mini Stroke, Health Channel

Rosemarie Schwitzer, Advanced Registered Nurse Practitioner with West Kendall Baptist Hospital, explains a mini stroke or transient ischemic attack is when a cholesterol plaque or a blood clot is causing symptoms.

She says the symptoms last less than 24 hours, and when you have an MRI performed, it does not show anything. It is a precursor, it tells the patient they have to be careful and do something now.


Stroke and Mini Stroke, Health Channel

mini-stroke I heard that a lot what is a mini-stroke mini-stroke or translate ischemic attacks so a lot of patients will call that what they a mini-stroke so it didn’t really happen but it did happen okay so it was there but then it went away exactly exactly exactly so a transient ischemic attack is just like an ischemic stroke so a cholesterol plaque or a blood clot that is inside of a major artery that is causing symptoms however these symptoms last less than 24 hours it can last for minutes up to 19 hours and when you have an MRI performed it does not show anything on that MRI and the patient can either be back at their normal baseline within that time so what that is though is a precursor it tells the patient we have to do something now like be careful because something is to come yes yes it’s almost like the calm before the storm absolutely I always saw my patient this is a warning sign we have to really look at their risk factors in order to control and prevent this from happening again you

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