Symptoms of Carotid Artery Disease - Health Channel


Symptoms of Carotid Artery Disease |

Symptoms of Carotid Artery Disease, Health Channel

Transient ischemic attack (TIA) is a silent disease process, says Dr. Athanassios Tsoukas, Vascular Surgeon with Miami Cardiac & Vascular Institute, who says carotid plaque develops for over 20 years.
The specialist explains depending on the degree of blockage, patients have a critical shortage or a small shortage. They can have symptoms for a few hours when TIA happens. Numbness, weakness or loss of vision are some of the symptoms.
The doctor says when someone has symptoms for 24 hours or less, and they go back to normal after 24 hours, it is called transient ischemic attack. If the symptoms continue after 24 hours, it is called a stroke.

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