Symptoms of Degenerative Disc Disease - Health Channel


Symptoms of Degenerative Disc Disease |

Symptoms of Degenerative Disc Disease, Health Channel

Increased pain when bending or twisting, “giving out” sensation of the spine, muscle tension or muscle spasms, radiating pain in arms or legs, and decreased pain when lying down or reclining are some of the degenerative disc disease symptoms.

Dr. Jose Mena, Interventional Spine Specialist with Miami Orthopedics and Sports Medicine Institute, says some movements can increase the tension on the disc and that can cause some tear, because the discs are degenerated and they can become painful.

Learn more here: Degenerative Disc Disease Symptoms, Causes, Treatments and more.


Symptoms of Degenerative Disc Disease, Health Channel

Giving out. Now talk about giving out cuz sometimes you hear patients say, my knee gave out or my back gave out what does that mean? > What the patient is saying in that moment is that they desk already had normally within the distally they can get their stares that occurs with I within the disc and then some sort of movement that you do that increases the tension on the disc what we call the intra disco pressure that can cause some tears because the discs are degenerated and they can become painful. So while I was saying the BLT is bending, lifting, twisting, sitting, coughing, sneezing, straining, all the things increase the pressure on the discs and that can cost you they’re giving out sensation of the spine. The muscle tation or muscle spasms normally is a mechanism of protection our body uses. So whenever you have a problem in the back normally your muscle they tend stop and there’s nothing that it says I have a chronic muscle spasm for four months, five months, most of the time what happens is that that is the body itself is contracting preventing you from doing some things and learning you that you have something wrong in the spine. So that’s the way the way our body works. So that way your you get tension and muscle spasms. So we have to treat the underlying cost not the muscle spasm so there’s no such thing of giving chronic muscle relaxants because if not we’re treating the consequence we need to go to the root in order to treat the consequence. Radiating pain to the arm or legs. I was saying that this slips out touches a nerve and all of a sudden you can have the symptoms of burning, numbness, tingling, going on the arms and normally standing positions or any position that you’re loading the spine standing bending lifting all those things they’re putting pressure so there’s always things that will take the pain away. So in those cases will be like lying down or reclining you’re taking the pressure away from the spine so that way patients they feel better when they get into those positions.

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