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Asthma Process

Asthma Process

Dr. Javier Hiriart, Pediatrician at Family Medicine Center at West Kendall Baptist Hospital explains with a bio digital imaging how the asthma development occurs.

Catching a cold, cold air or a perfume, for example, starts to change natural breathe process, …

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Outgrowing Asthma

Outgrowing Asthma

Dr. Mario Zambrano, Pediatric Emergency Medicine Physician with Homestead Hospital, says asthma will go away when your body has adjusted to the environment and learned how to deal with allergies and allergens. “If you don’t follow your doctor’s advice, if …

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Diagnosing Asthma

Diagnosing Asthma

Dr. Raul Valor, Pulmonologist with Baptist Health South Florida, says the majority of the diagnosis of asthma is done on clinical grounds, and the history of the patient is probably the single most important factor.

He points out patients will …

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Asthma: Treatment Options

Asthma: Treatment Options

Dr. Raul Valor, Pulmonologist with Baptist Health South Florida, says the most important treatment for asthma is inhaled steroids, because they keep asthma under control and they are probably the mainstay of treatment.

He also explains there are long-acting bronchodilators, …

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Refractory Asthma Diagnosis

Refractory Asthma Diagnosis

Dr. Rodney Benjamin, Critical Care and Pulmonary Medicine Physician with South Miami Hospital, says refractory asthma is undertreated, because there are new treatments that are still getting traction.

He also explains not everybody that wheezes has asthma: “You can wheeze …

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Physiology of Asthma

Physiology of Asthma

Dr. Raul Valor, Pulmonologist with Baptist Health South Florida, says when people have asthma, there is a constant inflammation in the airways. He explains it is always there and requires active treatment in order to keep the disease under control.…

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